With the following creative series, the partnership between Alabama Media Group and the American Heart Association comes to vivid life. AMG Creative Consultant Lesley Delchamps created a versatile logo and comprehensive campaign that will run through multiple channels throughout 2014.

“When I saw the presentation, I was absolutely stunned,” said Matt Hooper, Communications Director for the American Heart Association in Alabama. “It was a pinch-me moment. I really couldn’t believe the depth of the campaign and the synergy it created for us across the different platforms.”


#FollowThatCouch Logo


#FollowThatCouch Poster


Wear Red Day Poster


Heart Walk Design


Heart Health Tip Design


Valentine’s Day Ad

Screen Shot 2014-02-19 at 12.41.53 PM

Landing Page

AMG specializes in exactly this kind of all-inclusive planning and design for customers in a wide range of industries. Contact us today so we can build your next dream campaign.
By Published On: February 19, 2014Categories: InsightsComments Off on #FollowThatCouch! (And Other Great Work From our AHA Partnership)Tags: , , ,

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